Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend ReCap

Oh it was a crazy weekend. My lovely garden faire trip was followed by a CT scan for stomach pain, which I worried about all weekend, as they gave me the cd of the images.
I "think" all is ok, but I probably should keep following up on my fatigue and back pain and belly pain. Matt gave me a Betsey Johnson necklace for Mother's Day. Whaa? that's kind of cool. and rather sweet. Saturday night, mid-cat scan worry, we attended favorite neighbors picnic wedding party in Lancaster County Park.
I called it the Martha Stewart pavilion they rented. white beams and dance quality hardwood floors set in the woods (Pavilion 11)! My former B&B managing neighbor puts me to shame. She made five cakes and then set them out like this:
these were the tables.
The kids played their little hearts out.
This weekend there was also another baseball game, and rewinding to Friday evening, a Cultural night at Max's school. Mom of many hats, I cooked several dozen (and served) Pierogies- which are a favorite to our family. And I served them to many families who had never had them. The evening ended with a wee bit of African dancing. Hope yours was memorable too:)

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